Today's post is a response to thought on how one can receive FINANCIAL BLESSING via the prayer of the man called JABEZ as seen in 1Chr.4:9,10.
Please enjoy this piece, thereafter we'll continue with our series on DISTRESS, DEBT and DISCONTENTMENT.
It is true that whosoever prays it, will surely be answered; particularly when one realizes that the personality called Jabez cannot be traced in the bible; I mean, in terms of his genealogy.
If you check that passage-1Chr.4:9-10, before and after it; you will discover that there was no ref to any parental lineage unlike what that passage is all about.
What is the essence of my point; every human being is a type of JABEZ, because we are all born in sorrow ( Gen.3:16). You become more honorable above thy brethren when you realize that you need the help of God and cry out for it.
But meanwhile take a look at the prayer points of Jabez:
1. Oh that thou would bless me indeed--(v.10) Not just materially now(Ps.67:1-7)
2. And enlarge my coast--(v.10)-- This is; Lord increase my influence
3. That thine hand might be with me--(v.10)--When God's hand is with you, be ready for the circumcision of your heart by the Lord; thereafter you'll have the capacity to carry the glory of His blessing; for glory has weight.
4. And that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me!--(v.10)-- The evil of money is when it turns to become the master rather than the servant God made money to be; and when it becomes that, then it can really hurt or grieve.